जालपत्रस्य परिचयः
॥ ओ३म् ॥
यत्र विश्वं भवत्येकनीडम्
जालपत्र (website) परियोजना
श्री नयना देवी जी, बिलासपुर
हिमाचल प्रदेश – १७४ ३१०
१. प्रस्तावना
२. संस्कृत जालपत्र (website) की आवश्यकता
३. अन्ताराष्ट्रिया स्थिति
४. यह जालपत्र (website) ही क्यों?
५. परियोजना का उद्देश्य
६. परियोजना की कालावधि
“संस्कृतविश्वम्” जालपत्र (website) परियोजना
संस्कृत वाङ्मय मानव जाति की अमूल्य धरोहर हैं। इस वाङ्मय में तपःपूत ऋषिमुनियों एवं क्रान्तद्रष्टा कवियों के जीवनानुभव अनुस्यूत हैं। जो मानव मात्र के लिये कल्याण का कारण हैं। संस्कृत साहित्य का यह वैशिष्ट्य हैं कि इसमें मानव जीवन के समस्त पहलुओं पर गम्भीरता से चिन्तन एवं मनन द्वारा सर्वजन सुखकारक निष्कर्ष निर्णीत किये गये हैं। यह वाङ्मय जहाँ आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र में उपनिषदों के उच्च ज्ञान को प्रस्तुत करता हैं, वहीं शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य हेतु आयुर्वेद ग्रन्थों के रूप में उपस्थित होता हैं। मानव जीवन की आचार संहिता के रूप में जहाँ एक और वैदिक संहिताएँ एवं धर्मशास्त्र विद्यमान हैं, वहीं गार्हस्थ्य धर्म की सम्पूर्णता हेतु कामसूत्र विषयक ग्रन्थ भी विद्यमान हैं। दर्शनसाहित्य जहाँ मानवमस्तिष्क को ऊर्जस्वी बनाता हैं, वहीं लौकिक साहित्य किसी दुःखी मन पर मलहम लगाता हैं। इतना ही नहीं अरण्यस्थ ऋषि ने मानव की आजीविका एवं वृत्ति का भी पूर्ण ध्यान रखा हैं। इस वाङ्मय में न केवल कृषि ज्ञान विषयक ग्रन्थ उपलब्ध हैं, अपितु अश्वपालन, गोपालन, हस्तिपालन, अनेक विध धातु निर्माण से लेकर विमान निर्माण एवं विविध शिल्पों के सूक्ष्मतापूर्वक गम्भीर विवेचक ग्रन्थ उपलब्ध हैं। किन्तु आधुनिकता के मोह एवं परिश्रम के अभाव में यह अपार संस्कृत वाङ्मय भाण्डागार आज उपेक्षित सा हैं। यत्र-तत्र कतिपय लोग निष्कारण ही केवल धर्मार्थ ज्ञान के भण्डार के संरक्षण के लिए प्रयत्नशील हैं। “संस्कृतविश्वम्” जालपत्र (website) का निर्माण उन निष्कारण धर्म के निर्वाहक विद्वानों द्वारा सम्पादित यज्ञ में एक सार्थक आहुति रूप हैं। जो विश्वपटल पर सम्पूर्ण संस्कृत साहित्य को जालपत्र (Website) के द्वारा प्रस्तुत करने का सार्थक प्रयास हैं।
२. संस्कृतजालपत्र (website) की आवश्यकता
सङ्गणक (computer) के अनुप्रयोग से ज्ञान एवं विज्ञान को नये आयाम प्राप्त हुयें हैं। वस्तुतः वैश्वीकरण के रूप में विश्व को एक नीड का रूप प्रदान करने में सङ्गणक (computer) के अनुप्रयोगों का महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान हैं। सङ्गणक (computer) के अनुप्रयोग ज्ञान पिपासु की जिज्ञासा को घर बैठे शमन करते हैं। विश्व विख्यात भाषाओं की प्रख्यात ग्रन्थ-राशि बहुत से जालपत्रों (websites) पर उपलब्ध हैं। किन्तु यह करने में संस्कृतज्ञों की प्रगति मन्द हैं। परिणामतः आज भी अन्तर्जाल (Internet) पर संस्कृत वाङ्मय के अत्यन्त महत्त्वपूर्ण ग्रन्थ उपलब्ध नहीं हैं। अतः जिज्ञासु जनों को आज भी पुस्तकालय पहुँचकर, पुस्तक ढूँढकर जिज्ञासा की शान्ति करना ही एक मात्र मार्ग शेष हैं। विशेषतः विज्ञान पृष्ठभूमि के जिज्ञासु (जो प्रायः पुस्तकालयों को भूल चूके हैं) तो उस संस्कृत वाङ्मय से अपरिचित ही रहते हैं।
“संस्कृतविश्वम् जालपत्र (website) निर्माण परियोजना” का उद्देश्य ऐसे जिज्ञासु जनों के लिये संस्कृत के पाठ्यरूपी (PDF, open file) दृश्यरूपी (video) और श्रव्यरूपी (audio) वाङ्मय को जालपत्र (website) पर उपलब्ध कराना हैं। इस तरह के जालपत्र (website) के निर्माण की वर्तमान काल में महती आवश्यकता हैं। “संस्कृतविश्वम्” website की यह परियोजना ज्ञान के क्षेत्र में एक महत्त्वपूर्ण चरण होगा। जिससे जालपत्र (website) प्रयोक्ता वैश्विक स्तर पर संस्कृत वाङ्मय को प्राप्त कर सकेंगे। निश्चित ही इस परियोजना की पूर्णता संस्कृत अनुरागियों की जिज्ञासा को पुष्पित-पल्लवित एवं शोध के नये आयामों का संवर्धन करेगी।
३. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्थिति
अन्तर्जाल (Internet) में संस्कृत के लगभग १५० जालपत्र (websites) होंगे जिनमे से २० प्रमुख जालपत्र (websites) हैं। वही पर ही लगभग २०० जालपत्र (websites) ऐसे हैं जिस में संस्कृत सम्बन्धी विषय हैं। इसके अलावा अन्तर्जाल (Internet) में संस्कृत की लगभग १२५ सङ्कलिकायें (blogs) हैं और face book, twitter, आदि में जिन्हें social networking sites कहते हैं उनमें लगभग १००० संस्कृत पृष्ठ (pages) उपलब्ध हैं जिनमें से २०० सक्रिय संस्कृत पृष्ठ (pages) हैं। उन्हीं social networking sites में ही ५०० संस्कृत के खातें (accounts) हैं। यह अन्तर्जाल (Internet) में संस्कृत का एक सङ्क्षिप्त एवं विहंगम दृश्य हैं।
४. यह जालपत्र (website) ही क्यों?
संस्कृत भाषा का संस्कृत वाङ्मय के रूप में पुस्तक भण्डार बहुत विशाल एवं अनन्त जैसा हैं। आज कल इस पुस्तक रूपी ज्ञानभण्डार को उपयोग करने वाले बहुत ही कम हैं। सारी दुनिया संगणकीकृत (Computerized) हो रही हैं। इसी तरह यह पुस्तकरूपी श्रव्यरूपी दृश्यरूपी ज्ञान भण्डार भी संगणकीकृत (Computerized) ज्ञान भण्डार हो रहा हैं और उसी का उपयोग अधिकतर लोग करते हैं। इसीलिए हम विशाल संस्कृत वाङ्मय को संगणकीकृत (Computerized) रूप में एकत्रित करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। किन्तु यह काम तो पहले ही बहुत सारे लोग अपने-अपने विषय को लेकर कर चुके हैं। तो इस जालपत्र (website) की क्या विशषता हैं, यह जालपत्र (website) क्यों हैं इन प्रश्नों के समाधान हमारे जालपत्र को देखने से सबको मिल जायेंगे। यहाँ सभी जालपत्रों में स्थपित महत्वपूर्ण सूचनाओं को सङ्गृहित कर सबके समक्ष परोसा हैं। ऐसा करते समय स्थान की अनुपलब्धता एवं दोबारा परिश्रम को टालने के लिए हमने सभी जालपत्रों के पतें (links) मात्र एकत्रित किये हैं। जिस से एक नीडात्मक इस जालपत्र (website) में संस्कृत के सर्व विध विषय सम्मिलित हो सकें। इस जालपत्र (website) में अणुपुस्तकालय, चलचित्रावलि, श्रव्यावलि, शब्दकोश आदि विभाग सङ्ग्रह के कारण समृद्ध होंगे। इस के अलावा प्रयास पूर्वक ध्वनि, शुभाशय, नामावलि, हास्यकण आदि विभाग विशेष होंगे।
५. परियोजना का उद्देश्य
“संस्कृतविश्वम् जालपत्र (website) निर्माण परियोजना” एक बहुद्देशीय परियोजना हैं। इस के अध्ययन का क्षेत्र सम्पूर्ण संस्कृत वाङ्मय होगा। उसके अन्तर्गत वैदिक वाङ्मय से लेकर लघु कथाओं तक संस्कृत साहित्य समाहित किया जायेगा। वो चाहे पाठ्यरूप में हो दृश्यरूप में हो या श्रव्यरूप में हो, सबका सङ्ग्रह यहाँ पर होगा और इसका उपभोक्ता हमारी युवा पीढी होगी। निश्चित रूप से यह परियोजना अति विस्तृत हैं, किन्तु चरणबद्ध कार्यक्रम द्वारा यह साकार रूप लेगी। परियोजना सफल संचालन हेतु इसे चार चरणों में विभक्त किया गया हैं।
प्रथम चरण –
अब तक अन्तर्जाल (Internet) में जो संस्कृत के विषय का अथवा संस्कृत से सम्बद्ध जो कुछ भी पाठ्य (PDF, open file आदि), श्रव्य (Audio), दृश्य (Video) हैं उनका सङ्ग्रह करेंगे और उनको यहाँ जालपत्र (website) पर प्रयोक्ता (user) की सरलता के लिए व्यवस्थित रूप से उपस्थापित करने का प्रयास करेंगे। इससे हमें एक दृष्टि मिलेगी कि संस्कृत के कितने विषय अन्तर्जाल (Internet) में उपलब्ध हैं और कितने शेष हैं।
इसके साथ ही वैसे कुछ संस्कृत के विषय जो संस्कृत अनुरागियों और भारतीय संस्कृति के प्रेमियों के लिए आवश्यक हैं किन्तु अभी तक अन्तर्जाल (Internet) पर कही पर भी उपलब्ध नही हैं उन विषयों को भी प्रयत्न पूर्वक सृजित कर यहाँ पर उपलब्ध कराने का प्रयास करेंगे, जैसे संस्कृत-ध्वनयः (ring tone), संस्कृत-सन्देशः (SMS, greetings), संस्कृत-हास्यकणाः (Jokes), संस्कृत-नामावली (Baby Names), व्यावहारिक-शब्दकोशः (Practical Dictionary), चित्रपदकोशः (Pictorial Dictionary) आदि का संग्रहण इसी चरण में रहेगा। इसके साथ हर एक स्तर का पाठ्यक्रम, संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयों की सूची एवं परिचय विवरण, संस्कृत प्रतियोगिताओं की सूचना एवं उनकी सज्जता हेतु तन्त्रांश (software) की व्यवस्था, संस्कृत ग्रन्थप्रकाशकों की सूची, समाचार पत्रों में जो संस्कृत सम्बन्धी समाचार आतें हैं उनकी प्रस्तुति, संस्कृत संस्थाओं की सूची एवं परिचय विवरण आदि विषयों की भी यहाँ उपलब्ध करायेंगे और विषेशतः प्रमुख पुस्तकों का परिचय भी इस चरण में दिया जाएगा। यह हमारा प्रथम चरण हैं और द्वितीय चरण का आधार भी।
द्वितीय चरण –
द्वितीय चरण में जो विषय अन्तर्जाल में कहीं पर भी उपलब्ध नही हैं और संस्कृत विषय की दृष्टि से अतीव आवश्यक हैं उनका सङ्ग्रह करना और उन्हे इस जालपत्र (website) पर व्यवस्थित रूप से रखने की योजना हैं। इस के लिए देश में विद्यमान प्रमुख विश्वविद्यालयों में और प्रमुख ग्रन्थालयों में जा कर वहाँ सङ्ग्रहित साहित्य को व्यवस्थित रूप से इस जालपत्र (website) में रखने का प्रयास करेंगे और इस चरण में अणुपुस्तकालय के सभी पुस्तकों का परिचय भी देंगे।
तृतीय चरण –
तृतीय चरण पर हम सङ्ग्रहित सभी साहित्यों की open file को उपयोक्ता को दिलाने का प्रयास करेंगे जिससे उपयोक्ता उन ग्रन्थों को सुलभ रूप से पाकर उनका विविध उपयोग कर सकेंगे। इस तरह इस चरण में हर एक ग्रन्थ की PDF प्रति और open file तथा htm file (read online) उपलब्ध कराने का प्रयत्न रहेगा। इसके साथ साथ ही हम सभी श्रव्य (audio) साहित्य और दृश्य (video) साहित्य की लिखित प्रति उपलब्ध करायेंगे और सभी पुस्तकों के श्रव्य (audio) प्रति का निर्माण करेंगे।
साथ-साथ इस चरण में संस्कृत वाङ्मय के जो दुर्लभ ग्रन्थ और पाण्डुलिपि रूप में विद्यमान महत्वपूर्ण साहित्यों की scanned प्रति को उपलब्ध करायेंगे। इसके साथ ही इस जालपत्र (website) का संस्कृतेतर कुछ भारतीय भाषाओं में और प्रमुख वैदेशिक भाषाओं में भी भाषान्तरण करने का प्रयास करेंगे।
चतुर्थ चरण –
चतुर्थ चरण में विषेश रूप से दृश्य साहित्य पर ध्यान देंगे। बच्चों के लिए रामायण, हनूमान आदि animation चलचित्र का संस्कृत में भाषान्तरण करने का प्रयास करेंगे। संस्कृत के सभी नाटकों को दृश्यरूप मे प्रस्तुत करने का प्रयास रहेगा। प्रसिद्ध चलचित्रों (films) का संस्कृत में भाषान्तरण करने का प्रयास करेंगे। Print & Electronic Media को संस्कृत के रूप में उपलब्ध करवाने की योजना हैं और सारी भारतीय भाषाओं में इस जालपत्र का भाषान्तरण करने का प्रयास करेंगे।
शोध प्रक्रिया – इसी चरण में मूल ग्रन्थों एवं भाष्यों की परिशुद्धता हेतु विविध संस्करणों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन किया जायेगा। विशेषतः वेदमन्त्रों को अपलोड करते हुए उनकी शाखा एवं परम्परा को महत्त्व दिया जायेगा। इस हेतु विभिन्न परम्पराओं के प्रामाणिकों से सम्पर्क किया जायेगा तथा सर्वथा परिशुद्ध सामग्री को जालपत्र (website) पर स्थान दिया जायेगा। इस परियोजना में विविध शाखाओं के अनुसार मन्त्रों का सस्वर पाठ भी उपलब्ध होगा। इस तरह पूर्णतः परिशुद्ध एवं तुलनात्मक अध्ययनोपरान्त निष्कर्षित सामग्री ही जालपत्र (website) पर उपलब्ध रहेगी।
6. परियोजना की कालावधि
अभी तक तो परियोजना प्रथम चरण के आरम्भिक स्तर में हैं। इस चरण का पूर्ति के लिए एक वर्ष का कालावधि आवश्यक हैं। उस योजना के अनुसार प्रथम चरण त्रैमासिक कालावधि की दृष्टि से चार विभाग में विभक्त होता हैं।
प्रथम त्रैमासिक – अबतक अन्तर्जाल (Internet) में जो संस्कृत के विषय का अथवा संस्कृत से सम्बद्ध जो कुछ भी पाठ्य (PDF, open file आदि) श्रव्य (Audio) दृश्य (Video) हैं उनका सङ्ग्रह करना और उनको प्रयोक्ता (user) की सरलता के लिए जो व्यवस्थित विभाग चाहिए उस रूप से उपस्थापित करेंगे। यह जालपत्र (website) हमारी योजना की अनुसार कार्य निर्वाह करने में सक्षम हो ऐसा जालपत्र (website) नये तरीके से बनवायेंगे। इस कालावधि का प्रमुख कार्य हैं।
द्वितीय त्रैमासिक – इस कालावधि में वैसे कुछ संस्कृत के विषय जो संस्कृत अनुरागियों और भारतीय संस्कृति के इच्छुक प्रयोक्ताओं के लिए आवश्यक हैं किन्तु अभी तक अन्तर्जाल (Internet) पर कही पर भी उपलब्ध नही हैं उन विषयों की भी प्रयत्न पूर्वक सर्जना करेंगे, जैसे संस्कृत-ध्वनयः (ring tone), संस्कृत-सन्देशः (SMS, greetings), संस्कृत-हास्यकणाः (Jokes), संस्कृत-नामावली, व्यावहाँरिक शब्दकोश, चित्रपदकोश आदि का संग्रहण।
तृतीय त्रैमासिक – इस कालावधि में हर एक स्तर का पाठ्यक्रम, संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयों की सूची एवं परिचय विवरण, संस्कृत प्रतियोगितओं की सूचना एवं उनकी सज्जता करने हेतु तन्त्रांश (software) की व्यवस्था उपलब्धि यहाँ करायेंगे। और विषेशतः प्रमुख पुस्तकों का परिचय भी इस चरण में दिया जाएगा।
चतुर्थ त्रैमासिक – इस कालावधि में संस्कृत ग्रन्थप्रकाशकों की सूची, समाचार पत्रों में जो संस्कृत सम्बन्धी समाचार आतें हैं उनकी प्रस्तुति, संस्कृत संस्थाओं की सूची एवं परिचय विवरण, संस्कृत पत्रिकाओं की सूची एवं परिचय विवरण आदि विषयों को उपलब्ध करायेंगे। तथा अबतक सङ्गृहित विषय वस्तुओं को जालपत्र (website) व्यवस्थित रूप में उपस्थापित करेंगे। जिससे प्रयोक्ता सुलभ रूप से जालपत्र में विद्यमान समग्र विषय को देख सके और लाभान्वित सके।
इस जालपत्र की आज की स्थिति – इस परियोजना में आज की स्थिति तो केवल ५ प्रतिशत हैं। अणुपुस्तकालय के अन्तर्गत लगभग १००० पुस्तकें यहाँ पर स्थापित हैं जब की अन्तर्जाल (internet) में लगभग ८०,००० पुस्तकें उपलब्ध हैं। ऐसी ही स्थिति दृश्य (video) और श्रव्य (audio) सङ्ग्रहों की भी हैं। और संस्कृत संस्था, विश्वविद्यालय, वृत्तपत्र आदि विभाग में तो केवल प्रत्येक शीर्षक में कुछ न कुछ विषय स्थापित करने का प्रयास किया हैं।
अन्तर्जाल (Internet) पर यह जालपत्र (website) निर्माणाधीन जैसा दीख रहा हैं वास्तव में यह जालपत्र (website) हमारी योजना की अनुसार कार्य निर्वाह करने में सक्षम नही हो पा रही हैं। इसलिए इस जालपत्र (website) को नये तरीके से बनवाना होगा।
1. Petition
Sanskrit vocabulary is the most precious contribution to mankind. In this vocabulary, the real life experiences of revolutionary poets and sages are mentioned, which is the reason for the welfare of mankind.
The speciality of Sanskrit is, it concentrates deeply, using experiences and analysis, about the happiness and obvious success of mankind this vocabulary, which presents the philosophical view of the high level script of our Upanishads, has contributed to the good health in the form of Ayurvedic script, the contribution is in the form of medicine, which elaborates the behaviour and righteousness of man. It is also a contribution to successful married life, in the form of Kamasutra book. Art of living enhances the power of our mind. The same applies medicine on the aching and pained mind. Not only have this had the sages in forests concentrated on the complete lifestyle and profession of man. In this vocabulary, there is detailed information about not only knowledge given by sages, but also raring horses, cows, elephants, mining minerals, development of our craft, very delicate features of sculptures are mentioned in the script. But in recent times, because of modern thinking and lack of labour, this entire knowledge of without reason is only trying to protect righteousness.
This website is a challenge to get rid of this ignorance; as if we are putting an item of worship into the sacrificial fire. This is an attempt to present the entire Sanskrit literature of the world, through the website.
2. Use of this website: –
The use of computers has given a new dimension to knowledge and science. Computer is a suitable technology to implement this knowledge & spread it across the globe. Computer satisfies the thirst of increasing knowledge sitting at home. Already many books on this subject written in popular languages are available on websites. But in this process, there is not much concentration on welfare of Sanskrit. As a result, even today on the Internet there is no important script on Sanskrit. Even now some enthusiastic learners go to libraries & find books to enhance their knowledge & satisfy their thirst to know more.
Especially in this scientific world, some people who access only internet & do not go to libraries are totally deprived of this knowledge. The use of this website & the main intention is to present all the visual details & audio of this language to enthusiastic learners. This website is the first step of success in the world of knowledge, because of which in the whole world, Sanskrit vocabulary can be made available. It is sure that the completion of this project enhances the interest & hard work & blossoming of the knowledge of enthusiastic learners.
3. International status
On the internet, there may be almost 150 websites out of which 20 are important. On those, about 200 websites are available which contain Sanskrit related information. Other than this, on the internet, 125 blogs are available like facebook, twitter, orkut which are called social networking sites. In these about 1000 pages are available, out of which, 200 absolute Sanskrit pages are there. On these networking sites, 500 Sanskrit accounts are present. On the internet, this is a very attractive scene of Sanskrit.
4. Why this website only?
The script available in libraries about the Sanskrit vocabulary & language is immense. Nowadays, the number of people making use of this bookish knowledge is very less. The whole world is becoming computerised. The same way bookish knowledge is coming out in the form of audio visual aids. And, this technology is being used by many people. So, we are trying to computerise & collect the entire Sanskrit vocabulary & present in one collective form. But, many people have made a brief summary of their limited knowledge. So, what is the speciality of this website? Why is this website available? Keeping this in mind, we have thought that, let us not do the same thing, but; try to gather all the information of all these sites, & give a detail presentation. Because of this, on this website, every detail about Sanskrit can be available in one piece. In this website, there will be a small library equipped with videos & audio & dictionary. Other than this, three will be an attempt to include parts like voice, greetings, name lists, humour etc.
5. Use of this project: –
The project of launching this website has many uses. This website will cover the entire Sanskrit vocabulary. Under this, starting from, medicinal information to short stories till detailed Sanskrit literature, everything will be included. It may be in the form of reading script, visual form or audio form – there will be a collection of all these things. This facility will be used by our youth. It is assured, that this project is elaborate; but, this will be a successful form of programme. For the successful progress of this project, it has been divided into 4 parts.
1st Part: –
We will make an attempt to collectively put forth all the already available bits of information in the form audio, video & script in an organized manner; & make it easily available for public. By this, we will get an idea about how much information is available on the website; & how much is remaining.
Along with this, some information required by Sanskrit lovers & enthusiastic people who want to know Indian culture, are not able to get enough information about this, on the internet. We will make an attempt to find such queries, and try to answer them. This part will contain ringtones, SMS, greetings, jokes, baby names, pictorial dictionary, and practical dictionary. Along with this, the text of every level, the information & introduction of Sanskrit universities, information about Sanskrit competitions & the participation, preparing the software, & list of Sanskrit books publishers. In this part, there will be information about all the Sanskrit related topics in newspapers & list of Sanskrit organizations etc. especially, this part will give an introduction of Sanskrit main books. This is our first part. This is like a stepping stone to the second level.
2nd Part: –
In the 2nd part, the information that is not available on the internet & which is very essential in the view of Sanskrit, collecting such information & putting it on this website in an organized way, is the aim of this project. For this, in our country, in main Sanskrit universities & main libraries, we will go & collect literature & present in an organized way. And in this part, we will mention all the books present in mini libraries.
3rd Part: –
In this part, we will try to present an open file of all the collected literature scripts, & try to make use of it. By this, the users can get information & use it in various ways. In this way, there will be an attempt to present the pdf copy, HTML site & open file of every script, on this part. Along with this, we will try to make available the written copy of all audio & visual information.
And, we will try to make an audio copy of all books. In this part, we will try to collect the unavailable information & present a scanned copy “MANUSCRIPT” of important epics; & make all this available. Along with this, other than Sanskrit, in other Indian & foreign languages, we will try to give translations.
4th Part: –
In this part, we will try to concentrate more on the visual aspect for children, Ramayana, hanuman etc. cartoons will be translated into Sanskrit by us. There will be an attempt to give a visual form of Sanskrit dramas. We will try to present and dub famous movies in Sanskrit. There is a mission to present Sanskrit information in the form of video & script using print & electronic media. We will try to translate this website in all Indian languages.
Research process –
In this part, the main scripts & its commentaries will be compared, so that purity of language will not be affected. Especially, we will try to upload & give importance to all the branches of Vedas & the purity of Vedic hymns. In this way, we will try to give a place on our website for different cultures, after keeping contact with them; & try to give exact information. In this project through various branches, the chanting of mantras will be available. In the way, on the whole, a pure and comparative research will finally give satisfaction to enthusiastic learners to get the exact details.
6. Face of this project: –
There will be a total of 4 divisions of this website.
1. Main page – Which will be seen in our first look.
2. Header tabs – This is an art tab, which is below the quotes -list.
3. Left tab – To the left of the main page, there is a long list. On this, there is a special type of tab.
4. Footer tab – This will be at the bottom. This can be between 8 to 10.
1. Main page
a) Clock – On the right side of the main page, there will be a digital clock of the internet.
b) Sharing sites icon – ‘SANSKRITAVISHWAM’ website’s facebook, twitter pages. To see them, on the top right side, there will be icons. Along with them, there will be icons for users to like this website.
c) Date bar – Under the digital clock, date, star sign, week, day, etc; will be displayed.
d) Day’s Importance – Under date and week there will be a tab to show day’s importance. In this, on that day, whatever historical, festive, birth anniversaries of important people etc – will be mentioned in detail.
e) Search – On the day’s importance, there will be a special tab. In this, related to that site, whichever word has to be searched, can be done. And we can get all the details. We can search all the books in the mini library using this tab.
f) Good Thoughts – On the left side of search, there will be a list of good thoughts going on top, which changes every day. If we click on this, we can get its meaning. And, under this, there will be a list tab. When we click on that list tab, the meanings of all the other divisions can be acquired.
g) Flash News – This will be on the main page, which will give information about the latest updates of this site & Sanskrit related new news along with pictures. The details can be obtained by clicking on them.
h) Flash Video – On the main page, there will be a special video on Sanskrit. When we click on this, the video will play. The related videos can also be found here.
i) Audio player – On the main page, there will be an audio player, on which special audio files can be listened to by one click easily.
j) T.V. News – On the main page, there will be a T.V. News tab, which when clicked gives the video of that particular day’s Sanskrit news. By clicking on it, the users can even read the news. A calendar will pop up by clicking on the previous section of the tab where users can access to the news of that day. The pdf files of the news will also be present there for users to read the news.
k) Radio News – On the main page, there will be a radio news tab. If we click on that, we can get the morning & evening news. Along with this, we can read the news in pdf format. Under this, there will be an old tab. If we click on that, a calendar will pop up. The news available on a particular date will be present in a particular colour & by clicking on that, we can hear the morning & evening Sanskrit news of that date & also can read the news in pdf format.
l) Article – On the main page, there will be 10 articles, which will be changed once in 15 days. The articles will be on Sanskrit grammar, health, festivities etc. Brief &attractive summaries on these articles too will be present. People who are enthusiastic can click & read the whole article on a new page & can write their reviews about the same. There will be a fortnightly e -newspaper with 10 articles.
2. Header tabs
1. Main page – This is seen first, whose details have been explained above.
2. Video – On this tab, there will be Sanskrit related videos like Veda mantra chanting, Upanishads, dramas, education etc. Many types of videos will be available here. This video will be available from internet’s famous sharing sites & websites. Here, we will display these videos with organized divisions. If someone wants to hear Vedas, by choice, he can hear & see separate videos of Rig -Veda & yajurveda. This way, if someone is interested in watching Sanskrit dramas, we have organized dramas into division’s like -children dramas, youth plays & matured dramas. In this way, on this tab, we have displayed the sharing site of Sanskrit videos, after searching; for the use of it in a simpler way through simple divisions.
3. Audio – On this tab, there will be many types of audio files like Vedamantras, Upanishads, Stotram, Gita etc. These audio files will be available from internet’s famous sharing sites & various websites. The musical audio files too will be displayed here in a very well mannered classification. If anyone wants to listen Veda mantras, he, by choice can listen to rig Veda & Yajurveda mantras separately. In this way, on this tab, we have displayed the Sanskrit audio files most often searched, & made available for simple use.
4. Dictionary – On this tab, there will be mobile dictionary of Sanskrit to other languages & vice -versa. And Sanskrit to Sanskrit dictionary & other official dictionaries.
5. Photo Gallery – In this, Manuscript pictures, symbols, quotes & pictures, proverbs with pictures, character pictures, pictorial words, respect related pictures etc. with different classifications. Internet’s famous & rare pictures will be available on this tab. There will be provision to give details.
6. Software – In this, Sanskrit software, tools, apps will be discussed. Every letter will be discussed. The style, analysis, research, proof, comments, educational aspects & software related to these things will be available.
7. Education – In this tab, there will be education related video, audio & worksheets or exercises.
8. Debate – in this, any user can ask any question about Sanskrit, and then this will give the answers given by other users. If we analyse the answers given by others, one can frame his own opinion.
3. Left tabs
1. E -library –
Grammar of Sanskrit language is in the form of books, which are wide & endless. Nowadays, very less number of people uses them. This world is getting computerised. In the similar way, bookish knowledge is being computerized & used by more number of people. For this reason, we are trying to put endless grammar at a place in the internet. But, a great number people had already tried to computerize their subjects on their own way. So, we thought that we should not repeat the same, but we gather all the subjects which were already computerized & give all these links vividly in an arranged manner here. In this way, we will classify all the Sanskrit books in four divisions. They are –
a. Vedic literature.
b. Scriptures & philosophies.
c. General literature.
d. Miscellaneous.
Vedic literature –
Here, there will be a collection of Vedas & related books like Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, Upavedas etc. Six parts of Vedas, separated versions of other scripts will be present here.
Scriptures & Philosophies –
Here, there will be books related to Sanskrit philosophies, Smrutis & Scriptures like Nyaya Shastra (Logics), Philosophies like Hedonism (Charvaka Darshana), Literatures, Manusmrutis, 18 Smrutis & Upasmrutis, Koshashastra, Natyashastra, Tantrashastra and Rasayanashastra.
General Literature –
Here, there will be a collection of Puranas & other worldly literatures like Bhagavatha etc & other 18 Puranas. In poetry, visual, audio, prose & poetry & Champu Kavya (mixture of prose & poetry), Stotra Sahitya etc.
Miscellaneous –
Here, we will try to make available the books which are in Sanskrit other than the listed above.
Like this, we will try to include a mini library in the site.
2. Sanskrit Institutions –
In India, there are many Sanskrit institutions. Out of them, common man can see many institutions & their rules & practices easily. Many institutions are there, which are not known by many. Keeping in my mind, this tab will have Sanskrit related institutions’ list, their description in detail, so that a user can find the details of his desired institution. Here there are 5 divisions –
• Sanskrit shikshana samstha
• Sanskrit prachara samstha
• Sanskrit Academies
• Traditional institutions
• Vedic institutions.
Sanskrit Shikshana Samstha – Here, there is a list of these kinds of institutions & their details, which are working in the field of Sanskrit education like Sanskrit University.
Sanskrit Prachara Samstha – Here, there is a list of this kind of institutions & its details which are interested in Sanskrit publicity like Sanskrit Bharathi.
Sanskrit Academies – Here, there is a detailed list of India’s educational academies.
Traditional Institutions – This consists a list of those kind of institutions which give a different type of education like Gurukul, Pathashala etc.
Vedic Institutions – This contains a list of Vedic organizations, which are working on Vedas & Vedic matters.
3. Sanskrit Bharathi –
This Institution is one among the Sanskrit institutions. Still it has been given a different tab because this is such an institution which has work in not only other states of India, but in abroad also. So, here we have updates of all the rules of this organization. In every state, by which, the user can easily know all the rules & practices of this institution.
4. Sanskrit Syllabus –
If a user wants to get information about any university & its education process, it is very difficult to find it on the internet or they will have to buy that university’s prospectus. Keeping in this mind, we will try to make it available all over the state in the way of classes & teaching style of universities -about issues relating to the subject. Using this tab, students & research scholars can get information. There are 3 divisions.
• Sanskrit syllabus in India
• Traditional syllabus
• Sanskrit syllabus elsewhere.
Sanskrit syllabus in India –
Here, there will be a list of all the educational institutions & their syllabus in India.
Traditional syllabus –
Here, there will be the syllabus of all those traditional institutions all over the country.
Sanskrit syllabus elsewhere –
A list of foreign universities & their syllabus are provided here.
5. Sanskrit in journals –
Here, we would try to collect all the news related to Sanskrit available in various news papers. Every day news related to Sanskrit will also be updated.
6. Sanskrit Competitions & Exams –
This tab is dedicated for the students. In this section, details of all the competitive exams in Sanskrit, the materials for those exams, availability of the materials, important dates to apply online for these exams along with a question bank & online mock exams will be provided to help students. Previous year question papers & results will also be given here.
7. Sanskrit Universities –
It’s a pity that not only commoners, but even Sanskrit are unaware of the fact of number of Sanskrit universities in India. Keeping this in mind, we shall try to provide the details of all the Sanskrit universities present not only in India, but in other countries too. The syllabus, examinations & activities of all the Sanskrit universities all over the globe will be provided.
8. Manuscripts –
In this section, we shall make available Sanskrit manuscripts along with their scanned files. Any researcher can know the whereabouts & details of the manuscripts easily.
9. Others –
a. Sanskrit Invitation Cards – In old days, Sanskrit was not considered as a communicative language. But, that’s not the case anymore. Even though, most of them don’t speak in Sanskrit. Naming a company’s logo, using words like ‘swaagatam’ to welcome guests at reception, to print invitation letters for marriage & other occasions in Sanskrit has become a trend nowadays. With this in mind, varieties of invitation letter formats are provided here as an open file. The users can make use of the open files either by using it online or downloading it.
b. Sanskrit Publishers – there are numerous publishers in India. Among them, some publish only Sanskrit books & others publish Sanskrit books alongside other books. The address of the publishers & catalogues are very hard to find. So, in this section, we will try to provide postal address, phone numbers, e -mail ids, catalogues of all the Sanskrit book publishers.
c. Sanskrit Village, Family, Mother Tongue – There was a time in our nation, when a conspiracy against Sanskrit made it a ‘dead’ language. But, that’s not the case today. People have understood the importance of Sanskrit language. We, Indians are nothing without this language. This has, transformed Sanskrit from a dead language to ‘mother of all languages’. This tab gives information about all those Sanskrit lovers around the world who take Sanskrit as their mother -tongue & promote Sanskrit language. A brief description of villages & places over the country where everyone speaks Sanskrit will also be included.
d. Sanskrit Websites, Blogs – Even though there are numerous Sanskrit websites, they are only famous among their circle. In order to familiarize, we will provide the details of all these websites with a brief introduction.
e. Present situation of Sanskrit in world – The current affairs related to Sanskrit from around the globe & different states of India are provided in this tab.
f. Sanskrit commissions in India & world conferences – This tab consists of reports of various commissions setup by central and state governments from time to time for the promotion of Sanskrit language so that the users can give their suggestions. The details of all the world conferences of Sanskrit will also be provided.
g. Science in Sanskrit – Science, an inseparable thing of our country has its origin firmly rooted to Vedas. The depth & influence of Vedas are well known to our countrymen. But there are still many others who don’t know about it & possess a disrespectful attitude towards Vedas. To make people aware of the achievements of Vedas in scientific field, this tab brings together all the forgotten ideas under one roof.
h. Sanskrit Journals – the details viz. postal address, phone numbers, e -mail, subscription of Sanskrit journal will be provided in this tab.
i. Different opinion on Sanskrit – This tab consists of quotations in Sanskrit by various scholars.
j. Sanskrit in Internet – the websites, blogs & pages related to Sanskrit can be found in this tab.
4. Footer tabs
1. Ring tones –
This tab consists of Sanskrit ring tones with text along with the download option. The details of ringtones too will be present.
2. Names –
It will contain the names & their etymology in all their genders.
3. Jokes –
Jokes in Sanskrit language can be found here.
4. SMS, Greetings –
This tab will consist of various SMS & greetings suitable for different occasions like festivals. Also greetings created by scholars to wish someone on their birthdays & other achievements. The SMS & greetings are classified into various divisions. This will help users to express their feelings through e -mail & SMS.
5. Children –
This will contain dramas, songs, games, videos etc for children with the purpose of educating them.
6. New Literature –
The new breed of stories, songs & dramas will be present here. There will be audio & video of Sanskrit songs. Reviews of some famous movies too will be present here.
7. Download –
This tab will consist the Unicode fonts, other Devanagari fonts, keyboard maps, ringtones etc for download.
8. Feedback –
The users can share their experience & rate this website in this tab.
9. About us –
This will contain details about the motive of this website, a brief description about this site, the scholars associated in the making of this site, to translate this site into other languages & other motives of makers
10. Contact us –
This is for the users to communicate with site owners & send some useful suggestions.
11. Disclaimer –
This will contain disclaimer according to the norms of Indian constitution.
7. Duration of the project
This project is still in the beginning. It will take a year to complete the first stage. According to this, the first stage will be divided into four trimestrial stages.
I. First Trimester –
We will collect all kinds of PDF & open files, audio & videos related to Sanskrit, which are already available at different websites in the internet & divide it in a user friendly way. We will try to complete this website according to a definite plan during the first three months.
II. Second Trimester –
We will try to bring together those things which have not been available to Sanskrit lovers & admirers of Indian culture. They are like ringtones, SMS greetings, jokes, Sanskrit name list, communicative dictionary & pictorial dictionary.
III. Third Trimester –
During this period, we will try to collect the information about the universities, courses offered, competitive exams, soft wares for the preparation of exams & introduction of various important books.
IV. Fourth Trimester –
We will collect the details of Sanskrit book publishers, Sanskrit newspapers, Sanskrit organizations, list of Sanskrit journals & present it in the website so that the users can access all the above said information.
Current situation of this website –
We have made a progress of only a meagre 5%. While there are around 80,000 books available in the internet on Sanskrit, we possess a collection of just 1000 books in our mini library as of now. The same is the case with the audio & video files. There has been a constant effort going on in order to collect information about various Sanskrit organizations, universities, newspapers & journals.
The work of this website on the internet is not going on according to our plan. So, we are in need of a change in this direction.
Budget of this Project (Yearly)-
Website designing, developing & coding : = 40000.00
Internet expenditure : = 24000.00
Office rent (Yearly) : 4000×12 = 48000.00
Computer operator (two) : 6000×12 = 72000 ×2 = 144000.00
Project fellow (two) : 12000×12 = 144000 ×2 = 288000.00
Clerk/ MPW (one) : 6000 ×12 = 72000 ×2 = 144000.00
Electricity etc expenditure : 2000 × 12 = 24000.00
Journey etc expenditure : = 36000.00
Contingencies : = 24000.00
Outsourcing : ———–
Total = 7,87,000.00